2023 meetings and symposia

2022 meetings and symposia

Society for Freshwater Science  –  the 70th annual SFS meeting
recently convened 16–20 May 2022 in Grand Rapids, Michigan with 
8 other societies as the Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting – JASM 2022

15th International Symposium on Aquatic Oligochaeta (ISAO15)

  • The 15th ISAO meeting,  hosted by Dr. Patrick Martin, convened at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, in Brussels, Belgium, 20-24 September 2022. [originally scheduled for September 2021, the organizing committee postponed this symposium for a year because of the pandemic].  The proceedings for this 15th ISAO symposium (edited by P. Martin, A. Pinder, and M.J. Wetzel) were published in the journal Zoosymposia, Volume 23, on 10 July 2023; all papers included in this volume are available, open access (no cost).

16th International Symposium on Aquatic Oligochaetes (ISAO16)

>> During the ISAO15 business meeting in Brussels, Belgium, participants considered proposals submitted by potential hosts and venues for the 16th ISAO meeting.  After discussion and consideration by those present, and via a poll of other ISAO members who were not present in Brussels, the membership voted to accept the proposal of Dr. László Molnár, who will host the 16th ISAO meeting (ISAO16) at the Balaton Limnological Research Institute on Lake Balaton, Tihany, west-central Hungary, 15–20 September 2025. Additional information has been presented on the ISAO16 symposium website, HERE, and will be updated periodically.  IF you are interested, please complete the Provisional Registration form, accessible via the above website.

[page update: 09oct2022;15Jan, 04Aug2023; 20jan2024; 05Jan2025; mjw]